Radon Inspections
Radon is colorless, odorless, and extremely carcinogenic (cancer-causing). It can affect homes anywhere in the US. The only way to check for elevated levels of radon in your home is with testing. Home tests are available, but we recommend professional testing for peace of mind. We will use an Air Things Corentium Pro radon detector to determine if your home has higher-than-average levels of radon.
Mold Air Sampling
If you suspect mold in your home, we’re here to help. We use a Pro Lab Air-O-Cell air sampling pump to detect hidden mold that may be in crawl spaces, between walls, and in other such areas of your home, to ensure you and your family are safe from mold infestations.
Sewer Scope
Underground sewer lines are prone to damage from tree roots, poor construction/materials used, rodents, clogs, and normal wear and tear. Repairs to sewer lines usually cost about 125$ per foot. Luckily we have the right equipment to assess the condition of your sewer lateral! A sewer scope is a long flexible borescope specifically designed to inspect sewer lines. All we need is access to a sewer cleanout and no longer than an hour. In that time, we can get a clear picture of the sewer and give you peace of mind that everything that goes down the drain won’t come back up!
Home Energy Score
The Bend Home Energy Score is a valuable tool that provides homeowners and potential buyers with crucial information about the energy efficiency of their homes. The program assigns a score to each home, ranging from 1 to 10, based on its energy performance. A higher score indicates a more energy-efficient home, while a lower score suggests potential areas for improvement. The Home Energy Score not only helps homeowners understand their energy usage and make informed decisions regarding energy upgrades but also promotes sustainability and reduces carbon emissions. By encouraging energy-efficient practices, this program plays a significant role in creating a greener and more environmentally conscious community.